Sunday: Bible Classes 10:00 AM, Worship 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM | Wednesday: Bible Classes 7:30 PM



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Date Title Author Topic
04/30/17 Is One Church As Good As Another? Bobby Witherington Church Rise_Up_And_Build_April_30_2017.pdf
04/23/17 Sin. Leaven, Satan, Church, Nations, Individual Bobby Witherington Sin Rise_Up_And_Build_April_23_2017.pdf
04/16/17 What? No Special Easter Services? Bobby Witherington Worship Rise_Up_and_Build_April_16_2017.pdf
04/09/17 The Legacy of Jeroboam I Bobby Witherington Character Rise_Up_and_Build_April_9_2017.pdf
04/02/17 When Does One Become a Saint? Bobby Witherington Salvation Rise_Up_and_Build_April_2_2017.pdf
04/02/17 Let the Chuich Be the Church! Bobby Witherington Church Rise_Up_and_Build_April_2_2017-1494619072.pdf
04/02/17 Four Things You Can't Recover Anonymous Saying Rise_Up_and_Build_April_2_2017-1494619854.pdf
03/26/17 The Family Is Under Attack! Bobby Witherington Family Rise_Up_and_Build_March_26_2017.pdf
03/19/17 "Micaiah...I Hate Him!" Bobby Witherington Truth Rise_Up_And_Build_March_19_2017.pdf
03/19/17 Time Unknown Time Rise_Up_And_Build_March_19_2017-1491488587.pdf
03/12/17 What If I Am Lost Eternally? Bobby Witherington Salvation Rise_Up_And_Build_March_12_2017.pdf
03/05/17 "He Cannot Deny Himself" Bobby Witherington Christian Life Rise_Up_And_Build_March_5_2017.pdf
02/26/17 "Therefore Be Imitators of God As Dear Children," Eph. 5:1 Daniel Morris Christian Life Rise_Up_and_Build_February_26_2017.pdf
02/19/17 Three Thousand Conversions! Bobby Witherington Salvation Rise_Up_And_Build_February_19_2017.pdf
02/12/17 "An Eleven Day Journey Became A Forty Year Agony!" Bobby Witherington Christian Life Rise_Up_And_Build_February_12_2017.pdf
02/05/17 Interpreting The Constitution and The Bible Bobby Witherington Authority Rise_Up_and_Build_February_5_2017.pdf
01/29/17 The Election of God Bobby Witherington Elect Rise_Up_And_Build_January_29_2017.pdf
01/22/17 "Blessed Assurance" Bobby Witherington Faith Rise_Up_and_Build_January_22_2017.pdf
01/15/17 Conformity Bobby Witherington Christian Life Rise_Up_And_Build_January_15_2017.pdf
01/15/17 The Devil Leon Ragsdale Poem Rise_Up_And_Build_January_15_2017-1486485282.pdf
01/08/17 By What Is A Person Saved? Bobby Witherington Salvation Rise_Up_and_Build_January_8_2017.pdf
01/01/17 "Examine Yourselves" Bobby Witherington Christian Life Rise_Up_And_Build_January_1_2017.pdf
01/01/17 Each One Save One Bobby Witherington Salvation Rise_Up_And_Build_January_1_2017-1486484884.pdf
01/01/17 Happy New Year! Bobby Witherington Christian Life Rise_Up_And_Build_January_1_2017-1486484966.pdf
12/25/16 Christmas Season Bobby Witherington Christmas Rise_Up_and_Build_December_25_2016.pdf

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